HCA Starts with One Campaign

DH and the Washington State Health Care Authority teamed up in early 2017 to develop the state's first-ever opioid misuse and abuse prevention campaign. The goal was to build a campaign that used empowering messages and showcased positive behaviors around opioid use, storage, and disposal. After building out a strong campaign brand and communication plan, we developed a huge library of campaign assets, including a microsite and partner toolkit.


Creative Lead, Creative Strategist, Art Director, Information Architect, Visual Designer, UI/UX Designer, Illustrator, QA/QC, Front-end Developer


Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Drupal, UserTesting, Optimal Workshop, Google Slides, Google Analytics


Agency: DH
Design: Leah Mow, Judy-Heggim Davis, Kaelynn Crume, Sean Finley
Development: Dave Lambert, Sitecrafting, Inc.
Account: Hayley Graham, Annie Blake Burke
Partner: Michelle Hege

campaign brand

The Starts with One campaign is designed to inform and educate young adults, their parents, and older adults about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and the importance of safe storage, use, and disposal.

Campaign website / English

Partner toolkits

We developed a number of resources to help educators, health providers, nonprofits, and other partners to use this campaign in their own communities.


LatinX campaign

Custom brand elements

Campaign website / Spanish

:15 vertical spots for social stories and ads / LatinX

:30 horizontal spots for digital campaigns / LatinX


Tribal campaign

Custom brand elements

Campaign Website / Tribal


Pharmacy Program

Landing page

This page was designed to give pharmacists across the state one place where they could learn about the Starts with One pharmacy toolkit program, sign up for the program, and even submit their weekly reports.

getthefactsrx.com / pharmacy