OutThere Outdoors Magazine Covers

OutThere Outdoors is a bi-monthly publication that focuses on adventure, travel, and the outdoors of the Inland Northwest. The magazine features three different cover designs that I created for them in late 2023 and early 2024.


Visual Designer, Illustrator, Concept Artist


Adobe Illustrator, Pen & Paper

MAy / June 2024

The May/June issue is packed with summer activities and adventures including stargazing, bikepacking, and camping + more. The goal was to illustrate a scene that included bikepacking, camping, and stargazing. 

Concept Drawings

a person lying in the grass with wildflowers around them with a mountain bike and kayak on the ground

final print

a person lying in the grass with wildflowers around them with a mountain bike and kayak on the ground

March / April 2024

The goal of this cover was to get people excited about spring. I included PNW spring wildflowers and a couple of spring sport items and kept a nod to the ongoing ski season with a shirt graphic.

final print

Concept Drawings

a person lying in the grass with wildflowers around them with a mountain bike and kayak on the ground

November / December 2023

For OutThere Outdoors November / December 2023 issue, we wanted it to incorporate fall and winter elements, encouraging enthusiasts to take advantage of both sides of this shoulder season.

Concept Drawings

a person lying in the grass with wildflowers around them with a mountain bike and kayak on the ground

final print